Friday, 5 August 2016

Sleepless in Singapore

It's been a long, tiring week and for the first time since I've been over here, Singapore has suddenly felt BIG.

As soon as we docked back in Singapore from Bintan, Phil flew to Melbourne for work and I headed back to our empty flat. I then spent a miserable Sunday alone and was back at work on Monday morning. What a comedown.

I must have got quite used to filling my days with swimming, yoga and art as it's been a difficult transition getting back into working life this week. I've not only had to re-engage my brain, but this working lark also means I have to get up before the sun every day. Owh.

The hardest transition has been adjusting to the Singaporean work culture. 50% of my time I'll be working with Brits, Australians, Americans and other Westerners, and the other 50% I'll be working with Singaporeans. There's such a marked difference in the way Singaporeans work, which I'm just getting my head around.

I was out for a couple of dinners with new friends this week which was fun, but I think everything is that bit harder when you don't have close friends or family you can relax around and let off steam with.
One thing that did really cheer me up this week was this lovely surprise through my letterbox from my best pal back home.  

Friends are like stars

With Phil away I've realised how much harder it must be to 'go it alone' somewhere - i.e. live and work in a completely new place without the comfort of a partner, friends or family around. 

Respect to all those expats who have taken the leap as I'm not sure I could do it!

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